Various Types of Screen Enclosures

Screen enclosures are a beautiful addition to your house. The enclosures help you to enjoy outdoor activities much more. They cover your patio and pool area from direct sunshine, bugs, and direct dust. Extending your home with the screen enclosures is very handful. You have to put many things in perspective.

There are specific materials and design that go with adding the extension in your home. First, you will need to set what kind of a screen enclosure you want before anything else. Let us break it down here.

The first type of enclosure is the screen room. A screen room is a typical structure with an open roof and walls. The screen room usually is an addition to the deck or patio, or sometimes it is added to the home. The roofs are what make the screen room different. You can have a sloped or gabled roof. Mainly the roof design will depend on your taste. Screen rooms by Screen Porches Houston TX are usually used for sitting while enjoying the sun without the outside elements.

If maybe a screen room is too much for you, you can opt and just do the pool enclosure only. There are two types of pool enclosures. There is the in ground pool enclosures and above the pool enclosure. They help keep children away, bugs and animals. There are different designs of the pool enclosure. However, all of the designs are see through.

Sunrooms are also like screen. The difference between the two is that sunrooms are more enclosed than screen rooms. You can control the outside elements much better than in the screen room. The sun room does not have any padding. Therefore, it can be built as an addition to your home. The addition can be on the decks or patio because they have much more stigma to support the structures.

If all of the above are too much for you and you want something simple yet eloquent, you can just have a patio cover. A patio cover is not a full enclosure. However, it just covers the top of the patio from sun and rain. If you get tired of the cover, you can add a sun room or screen room to the patio as well. To make the area even more eloquent, you can add a fun and gutters.

If may be you like artistic structure, then you should try pergolas. They are just like patio covers, but the difference is they tend to stand alone. Therefore, this structure will only protect you from the sun and not rain. The structure is very open that is why it cannot protect you from the rain. Visit this Pergola Construction Houston TX site for more information. 

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